Monday, March 21, 2016


BC FERRIES newest vessal the BAYNES SOUND CONNECTOR is BC FERRIES only cable ferry in its fleet. the BAYNES SOUND CONNECTOR is the longest cable ferry in the world wich goes from BUCKLEY BAY on VANCOUVER ISLAND to DENMAN ISLAND a distance of 1.9km. the cable ferry went into service in early feb 2016 and was built at vancouver shipyards in NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. the BAYNES SOUND CONNECTOR has a capasity of 50 vehicles and 150 passengers. the BAYNES SOUND CONNECTOR was named after baynes sound wich goes by vancouver island and denman island. the trip on the BAYNES SOUND CONNECTOR to DENMAN ISLAND takes 10min on march 16 2016 i rode the cable ferry to DENMAN ISLAND  and back with retired chief steward lorne campbell.i found the ferry impresive and worth senning since its a first for BC FERRIES to have a cable ferry in there fleet and also benning in the GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS as the longest cable ferry in the world