Monday, April 22, 2019


on apil 20 2019 i went to SQUAMISH B.C. to see the railway museum wich is owned and operated by the WEST COAST RAILWAY ASSOCIATION wich i am member. i got to SQUAMISH on a new bus service that goes from YVR to WHISTLER wich is called YVRSKYLYNX. i got the bus in downtown vancouver  acroos the street from the BURRARD SKYTRAIN STATION i left there at 8.40am and arived in SQUAMISH at 9.45am. when i arived in SQUAMISH  i went to newport beach park at the south end of town to photograph the ship GROUSE ARROW. after that i walked back into town and got the transit bus to the railway museum wich only stoped 2 bloxs away from the museum that was great. i was in the muesum for over hour because they lot to see like the #2860 the ROYAL HUDSON and BC RAIL things like one of there CABOSSE and there BUD cars that use to run up and down there line from PRINCE GEORGE to NORTH VANCOUVER. after the railway museum i got the transit bus back to downtown SQUAMISH and got onther transit bus and went allover town wich was great i got to see most of squamish that way and and did not cost me much only $2 for that. when i got back in to downtown i just looked around the waterfront next to town and there was not much there so i had early meal and got the bus back to VANCOUVER at 5pm and arived back in DOWNTOWN VANCOUVER at 6pm overal it was great to go to SQUAMISH by bus you get to see HOWE SOUND all the way up and down wich was great for more info on YVRSKYLYNX go to there web site at and info on the WEST COAST RAILWAY ASSOCIATION is at

Monday, April 8, 2019


THE SEA PRINCE was built in 1974 by MCDERMOTT SHIPYARD in MORGAN CITY LOUISIANA as the ROBIN VII  for the ROBIN INTERNATIONAL TOWING COMPANY of HARVEY LOUISIANA. in 1984 the ROBIN VII was acquired by CROWLEY MARINE SERVICES of SAN FRANCISCO CA and was renamed SEA PRINCE. when the tug was originally built she had a raised bow but when CROWLEY acquired her her bow was cut down. the SEA PRINCE is one of the third sea robin class tugs in the CROWLEY fleet. the SEA PRINCE is powered by two CATERPILLAR 3606-3 diesel engines for a rated 5.000 horsepower. her electrical service is provided by two detroit 6-71 generators. the SEA PRINCE gross tonnage is 198 and her net tonnage is 134. her port of regestry is SAN FRANCISCO CA