Monday, September 21, 2020


 on aug 4 i left vancouver  for HORSESHOE BAY and got the 9.50am ferry to LANGDALE. on the way the BOWEN ISLAND ferry QUEEN OF CAPILANO was coming in before we left HORSESHOE BAY. when i got to LANGDALE at 10.40 am  i meet my dads friend LORNE CAMPBELL and drove me onto EARLS COVE and got the there at we waited for the MALASPINA SKY to arive wich it did and went to SALTRY BAY and along the way saw jervis inlet  LORNE pointed out NELSON ISLAND and VANCOUVER BAY on NELSON ISLAND wich i never knew . we arived in POWELL RIVER at 2.30pm and  got hotel for the night after that we headed for the westvieu terminal so we can get the 5pm ferry the brand new BC FERRY ISLAND DISCOVERY wich was going from POWELL RIVER to TEXADA ISLAND so we got on her at 5pm and went over to TEXADA ISLAND and back she is a intersting ship on they way back we saw the SALISH EAGLE wich goes from POWELL RIVER to COMOX on vancouver island so that was neet to see. after all that  when we got back to POWELL RIVER from TEXADA ISLAND we headed for our hotel and call it a night. the next morning we headed for home  before we headed out of town we stoped and got photos of both the ISLAND DISCOVERY and SALISH EAGLE wich were great after that we headed for SALTRY BAY and back on the MALASPINA SKY and onto EARLS COVE when we go there we stoped at PENDER HARBOUR and saw this fishboat on the side of the highway wich was at the entrance to the town wich looked intresting to see a fishboat on the side of the highway . after that we headed for a stop in SECHELT for lunch and onto LANGDALE wich we got the ferry back to HORSESHOE  BAY at 1.15pm i got home around 3pm after all that i got to see the new BC FERRY ISLAND DISCOVERY and lot of the SUNSHINE COAST i never seen or heard of in a long time

Thursday, April 30, 2020


on APRIL 30  i rode my bike from our house in DUNBAR to the PNE and HASTINGS PARK were EMPIRE FIELD is . that were the BC LIONS and the VANCOUVER WHITECAPS use to play before BC PLACE STADIUM was built in 1983. in 2011 they built a new EMPIRE FIELD wich was to be used wile BC PLACE was getting a new roof and other changes to the stadium. during that time i saw a BC LIONS game there it was neet to see a game there just like it was over 50 years ago. i rode my bike from our house to the BURRARD SKYTRAIN STATION wich took 40 min then got on the skytrain and onto the COMMERICAL ST SKYTRAIN STATION. when i got there i rode from there east on east 10th ave and onto LAKEWOOD DR wich is a bike street and from there on to ADANAC STREET and onto KASLO ST wich are all bike streets. then when i reached KASLO & HASTINGS ST i can see that i was near the PNE so i went east on HASTINGS ST and made it to main entrance of the PNE . from there i went onto HASTINGS PARK wich is at east end of the PNE and got there at 12.50pm wich took me hour&half to get to from DUNBAR. wile i was at HASTINGS PARK i rode around the park wich had playing fields and running track i was on the bike path wich went around the whole park wich you can see both ends of the park. then i had look around HASTINGS PARK and was amazed that this is were EMPIRE STADIUM use to be this place is  a very historic site in VANCOUVER history. then after looking around HASTINGS PARK  i head west back on to KASLO ST were i had stop over and had drink there at one  those fast food places. then after that i went back the same way i went to the PNE from the COMMERICAL SKYTRAIN STATION wich took me 25 min to get to and back. then when i got to the COMMERICAL SKYTRAIN STATION i got on the train to the BURRARD STATION and onto the ride home wich i got home around 2.50pm so this ride took over 3 hours but i got to see a part of EAST VANCOUVER i have never seen  like those streets LAKEWOOD DR ADANAC ST KASLO ST wich were neet to ride on and intresting to see that part of EAST VANCOUVER 

Sunday, April 19, 2020


on april 19 2020 i left my house in DUNBAR and left around 11.45am and rode my bike to downtown VANCOUVER and on to the BURRARD SKYTRAIN STATION wich took 40 min to get there. when i got to the BURRARD SKYTRAIN STATION i got on the skytrain and went to the COMMERCIAL STATION . when i got to the COMMERCIAL STATION  i got off there and went on to east 10th ave wich had a bike lane and went east from there to the CENTRAL GREENWAY wich started at VICTORIA DR at east 10th ave. at that point there was the greenway wich went along the skytrain line so i went that way passing RENFREW ST and when i got to BOUNDARY RD i was going into BURNABY and went  all the way to the GILMORE SKYTRAIN STATION wich were the greenway ends. so i sat at the GILMORE STATION for wile then at 12.55 pm i left GILMORE STATION and went west back onto the CENTRAL GREENWAY and back to the COMMERICAL STATION wich took 25 min and went back onto the skytrain and onto the BURRARD STATION. when i go to the BURRARD STATION i rode for home and made a stop at the sunbway at west 2nd & BURRARD ST. after the stop over i went up BURRARD ST to the ARBUTUS GREENWAY and all the way to west 37th ave at ARBUTUS ST  wich is a bike way and all the way home from there wich i arived at my home in DUNBAR at 2.50pm. overal this ride to BURNABY took 3 hours but i got to see EAST VANCOUVER and part of BURNABY from a bike