Thursday, April 30, 2020


on APRIL 30  i rode my bike from our house in DUNBAR to the PNE and HASTINGS PARK were EMPIRE FIELD is . that were the BC LIONS and the VANCOUVER WHITECAPS use to play before BC PLACE STADIUM was built in 1983. in 2011 they built a new EMPIRE FIELD wich was to be used wile BC PLACE was getting a new roof and other changes to the stadium. during that time i saw a BC LIONS game there it was neet to see a game there just like it was over 50 years ago. i rode my bike from our house to the BURRARD SKYTRAIN STATION wich took 40 min then got on the skytrain and onto the COMMERICAL ST SKYTRAIN STATION. when i got there i rode from there east on east 10th ave and onto LAKEWOOD DR wich is a bike street and from there on to ADANAC STREET and onto KASLO ST wich are all bike streets. then when i reached KASLO & HASTINGS ST i can see that i was near the PNE so i went east on HASTINGS ST and made it to main entrance of the PNE . from there i went onto HASTINGS PARK wich is at east end of the PNE and got there at 12.50pm wich took me hour&half to get to from DUNBAR. wile i was at HASTINGS PARK i rode around the park wich had playing fields and running track i was on the bike path wich went around the whole park wich you can see both ends of the park. then i had look around HASTINGS PARK and was amazed that this is were EMPIRE STADIUM use to be this place is  a very historic site in VANCOUVER history. then after looking around HASTINGS PARK  i head west back on to KASLO ST were i had stop over and had drink there at one  those fast food places. then after that i went back the same way i went to the PNE from the COMMERICAL SKYTRAIN STATION wich took me 25 min to get to and back. then when i got to the COMMERICAL SKYTRAIN STATION i got on the train to the BURRARD STATION and onto the ride home wich i got home around 2.50pm so this ride took over 3 hours but i got to see a part of EAST VANCOUVER i have never seen  like those streets LAKEWOOD DR ADANAC ST KASLO ST wich were neet to ride on and intresting to see that part of EAST VANCOUVER 

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