Sunday, July 11, 2021


 i went to VICTORIA on july 10 2021 for the day to rent a bike from a bike rental place named CYCLE BC at 685 HUMBOLDT ST in downtown VICTORIA . i got there around 10 am and got a 21 speed bike to rent for my tour by bike around GREATER VICTORIA . i left the CLYCLE BC shop at 10.10 am and headed long HUMBOLDT ST to WHARF ST and onto the JOHNSTON ST BRIDGE wich took me onto HARBOUR RD bike lane wich i saw POINT HOPE SHIPYARD wich the shipyard is located on HARBOUR RD . so when i go to the end of harbour rd i got on to the LOCHSIDE bike path wich is also a waking path i saw the start of the bike path when i saw signs saying this is the LOCHSIDE bike path. so i got onto it and went all the way to the SELKIRK TRESTLE wich is a old CN RAILWAY line and when i got onto the SELKIRK TRESTLE i saw the views of the GORGE WATERWAY and the trestle wich is very wooden and very bumpy in places on that bridge since it a wooden trestle. so after a stop on the SELKIRK TRESTLE i headed east on the trestle and went all the way to the interchange were the LOCHSIDE TRAIL meets the GALLOPING GOOSE TRAIL and the end of DOUGLAS ST were it goes into the TRANS CANADA HWY .when i got to the interchange i went onto the GALLOPING GOOSE TRAIL and went east long the TRANS CANADA HWY wich i saw the hwy all the way including the big walls long the trail for the noise to block out for the houses next door to the hwy. so i went long the GALLOPING GOOSE TRAIL and went as far as HELMCKEN RD were i saw VICTORIA GENERAL HOSPITAL and i went long HELMCKEN RD to see if i can get to the end of the GORGE WATERWAY but i could not so i turn back and went back onto the GALLOPING GOOSE TRAIL and found the overpass for ADMIRALS RD wich took me over the TRANS CANADA HWY wich is a bike and walkers overpass and onto PORTAGE RD wich it lead me to PORTAGE INLET park wich was at the end of PORTAGE RD and there i got to see the end of the GORGE WATERWAY and PORTAGE INLET wich the waterway end at. PORTAGE INLET PARK is not very big park but it gave me a great vieu of PORTAGE INLET and the end of the GORGE WATERWAY. so i stayed there for a wile then after that i went back onto PORTAGE RD onto the ADMIRALS RD overpass and back onto the GALLOPING GOOSE TRAIL and headed for the SELKIRK TRESTLE. after i went onto the trestle i went long harbour rd onto the JOHNSTON ST BRIDGE and onto WHARF ST and onto GOVERNMENT ST wich i went all the way to DALLAS RD and onto the bike path past BEACON HILL PARK and all the way to CLOVER POINT. when i got to CLOVER POINT i saw ROSS BAY and TRAIL ISLAND and the lighthouse wich i wanted to see wich i have not seen it in very long time. after a very shot stop at CLOVER POINT i went back onto the DALLAS RD bike path and onto GOVERNMENT ST and back onto HUMBOLDT ST and got back to the CLCLE BC bike shop at 12.40pm so overal i got to see parts of GREATER VICTORIA on a bike and the old railway trestle  wich i wanted to see. for more info on bike rentals in VICTIRIA go 

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