Saturday, August 13, 2022


 on AUG 13 i left my home at west 46th ave in KERRISDALE on my bike around 10 am  bound for RICHMOND and the BRIDGEPORT CANADA LINE STATION when i got there wich took only half hour i waited for the bike bus. the BIKE BUS is new bus service that TRANSLINK is trying out this summer were it takes bikes only on this bus from BRIDGEPORT STATION to the TSAWWASSEN ferry terminal and operates on fridays weekends and sat hoildays and runs from 8am -8pm ever hour its trial run to see if this service wil be usefull for bikers. so i waited for the 11am bike bus bound for LADNER EXCHANGE. so when i got on i was one of six people with bikes on the bus the rest were bound for the ferry at TSAWWASSEN. so when we got to LADNER EXCHANGE wich only took 15min from BRIDGEPORT STATION i got off with my bike and started to ride towards the fraser river. when i left LADNER EXCHANGE i went long HARVEST DR to LADNER TRUNK RD and from there went on to 57 th street and long 57th street to CRESCENT DR and onto ADMIRAL BLVD wich got me onto the MILLENNIUM TRAIL that goes long DEAS SLOUGH and under hwy 99 at the south end of the MASSEY TUNNEL wich i got to see DEAS SLOGH all the way to my suprize DEAS ISLAND PARK wich is a  METRO VANCOUVER PARK wich i go to lot to photograph ships from there the odd time. so when i got to DEAS PARK i rode long the rode all the way to the end of the road in the park . bikes are not allowed in the trails in DEAS PARK because there were built for walkers and parts of it it not safe for bikers like me wich i have seen so from LADNER EXCHANGE to DEAS PARK only took me less than hour to get there so when i got the end of the road i started to go back and onto the MILLENNIUM TRAIL and heaed for ADMIRAL BLVD and on to 57 TH STREET wich got me back onto LADNER TRUNK RD when i reach LADNER TRUNK RD i went east and on to the MCDONALDS for lunch. after that i went long LANDER TRUNK RD and on to path next to HWY 17 wich took me back to LADNER EXCHANGE and waited for the bike bus back to BRIDGEPORT STATION . the bus came at 1.30pm and i was the only bike on the bus back to BRIDGEPORT STATION . from there i got onto the CANADA LINE and onto OAKRIDGE station were i got off and rode home from there and got home arond 2.25pm so it was intresting to put my bike on the transit bus and ride all over DELTA wich i got to see part of DELTA wich i never seen before and was worth seening DEAS SLOGH wich i have seen from the transit bus wich was great to see 

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